Intensive Seminars

Collaborate & participate with other Oklahoma student scholars in a unique academic exchange and learning environment.

OSLEP Students
Slide 1
  • Photos of students at the The Greater World Earthship Community during the 2016 seminar Landscape and Memory in the American Southwest

    Unique Learning Environment

    Experience in-depth, demanding, discussion-based seminars

  • Group photo at Blackbird Gastropub for the seminar Reimagining the American Carceral State, May 2022

    One Week
    Residential Seminar

    Study with other elite student scholars from around Oklahoma

  • Photos of students at the The Greater World Earthship Community during the 2016 seminar Landscape and Memory in the American Southwest


    Learn from renown subject-matter scholars from around the world.

See a class you would like to attend?

Sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students from public and private Oklahoma institutions are eligible to apply.

Upcoming Classes


Dr. Sunu Kodumthara talks about her OSLEP seminar, “That I May Enjoy The Most Unlimited Freedom: Women’s Political Activism in Early 20th Century America”

June 24, 2024
Making Fun, lecture poster

Making Fun of Roman Comedy: Humor and Abuse

October 3, 2023

Free Public Lecture by Dr. Hans Bork, Assistant Professor of Classics at Stanford University. **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**  **”Making Fun of Roman Comedy: Humor and Abuse”**  Norman, Oklahoma – September 28,…


Upcoming events and speaking engagements will be posted soon.

What is OSLEP?

The Oklahoma Scholar-Leadership Enrichment Program - OSLEP - is an intercollegiate academic program sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education open to students at all the public and private universities in Oklahoma.

The scholar-leadership program provides room and board, as well as books, at no additional charge to the students.

How Do OSLEP Classes Work?

Students have a minimum of 45 contact hours with the visiting scholar and the faculty resource person (FRP) assigned to each class. Students are required to complete the assigned readings before the class begins and the faculty resource person will provide pre-seminar assignments to help students.



"OSLEP gives you the opportunity to really go in depth in a topic and work with some of the best in the field. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience working with a small group of students to explore a topic."

"I would definitely recommend this seminar to my contemporaries as a great way to get out of our respective academic comfort zones!"

"I had a great experience making new friends and learning so much great information. The OSLEP seminar is definitely a must!"

"These seminars provide a much deeper exploration of the topic than we might get in a regular class. It was also much more immersive than I've been exposed to thus far."

"It's an entirely different format from a regular class, and the very interaction-based content adds a completely different value to the course."

"I have already recommended OSLEP to my peers. It is a wonderful program with an amazing design that both allows students to get credit hours quickly and provide more specific topics for seminars."

"I would mention that I felt empowered in my research skills and honored to be surrounded by other intelligent ambitious students from a variety of majors and universities."

"The OSLEP seminar experience was inspirational and eye-opening.  In delving into the field of economics and attending the seminar, I was exposed to a constructive, invigorating academic experience that has changed the course of my future education."

"The style of the seminar allowed for an intense and informative dive into the subject matter.  The informal aspects of the course- talking during breaks and sharing meals together- only served to better the course."

"An immersive experience with unique opportunities to meet and discuss with other students from around the state."

"The OSLEP course gave me the oportunity to engage with material I have a great interest in but is not available in my major."