
Students must apply to participate in an OSLEP class.

Application package:

  • Online application form
  • Writing sample (see instructions below)
  • Transcript (unofficial copy)
  • Recommendation from a faculty member.

The minimum requirements are:

  • 3.0 Cumulative GPA
  • Academic standing of sophomore or above.

Application Process

  • Transcript & Writing Sample Required

    You will need to upload a transcript and a writing sample to complete the application. Please have these ready in PDF or Word format before starting the application.

  • Select Class Preferences

    Indicate on your application the order of your scholar/seminar preferences. Although you may apply for more than one class, you might not get in more than one, so mark your first choice first. 

  • Include Faculty Recommendation

    You will submit the name and email address of a faculty person who can recommend you for an OSLEP seminar. They will fill out a separate form to support your application. 

  • Submit Your Writing

    You will submit a document with three parts in one PDF or Word document. Details for the writing submission are in the sidebar.

  • Submit Your Writing

    To be considered for admission, you'll need to submit one document with three key parts.

     What to Include:

    1. Statement of Interest (300-400 words): Tell us why you're drawn to the OSLEP program and how your chosen seminar aligns with your academic goals. Explain how participating will benefit your studies and future aspirations.

    2. Writing Sample (1500+ words): We want to see your academic writing skills in action. Submit a research paper (at least five pages) you wrote for a previous college course. Make sure it was solely your work, not a group project.

    3. Reflection on Your Writing (250+ words): This is your chance to delve deeper into your writing sample. Explain what makes you proud of this paper and how the research and writing process expanded your knowledge in the subject area.

    How to Submit:

    Combine all three parts into a single Word or PDF document. Make sure each section is clearly labeled for easy reading.


    • Strong writing and a clear connection between your interests and the seminar topic will make your application stand out.
    • Proofread carefully before submitting!

Admission Process

As soon as your application is complete, we will let you know whether you've been admitted and what you need to do next.

Six weeks before the seminar, we will send your admission packet, with details about the class, books, and assignments, to your mailing address.

Assignments vary from class to class, but typically include readings and questions to be submitted at the first class period, and at least one paper. Assignments are designed and graded by a faculty member who works with the scholar. All classes require reading in advance. Complete details will be provided after you have been admitted to a class.

Dates of Admission & Notification

The earlier you apply, the earlier we can let you know whether you will be admitted. Completing your application early gives you a better chance of being admitted to the class of your choice. We want to admit you to an OSLEP class during pre-enrollment, so that you can include the hours in your course load for the coming semester. Applications will close 30 days prior to the start of each seminar.

If you apply after a class is filled you may go on a wait list. There is no particular order to the wait list. When there is a vacancy in a class, we evaluate all applications.

Registration & Fee Payment

The options for registration and fee payment depend on which university you attend. Students arrange for course credit on their campus. All fees paid to home campus.

Please contact your campus coordinator for details.

You must make a commitment to participate in ALL class activities and will miss your regular classes. OSLEP will provide books, meals and housing at no cost to students.